43. Science for NDA / CDS / AFCAT

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43. Science for NDA / CDS / AFCAT

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1 out of 10 questions
  • For which Diode is used ? 



  • Who among the following developed the technology of underground nuclear explosion? 



  • Which among the following types of coal produces most heat per unit ? 



  • Which among the following waves is used for communication by artificial satellites ? 



  • What is found in frequency modulation? 



  • When the speed of car is doubled, then what will be the breaking force of the car to stop it in the same distance ? 



  • The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse ? 


  • Which among the following is the fundamental quantity ? 


  • When a ring of metal is heated what happens to its hole? 



  • If the diameter of a capillary is doubled, then the rise of water in it will be