The Tutors shipping & delivering the products on eligible pincode in India & It can take up to 30 Working Days for the Delivery of Goods. You Can Always Check the Delivery Dates of Products in their Short Description Mentioned Beside Every Product as it varies Product to Product. Orders are shipped via trackable post service by renowned courier agencies. Goods are Packed Securely for no damages.Unless the product has a specific process time. This is shown on every product’s information page. It takes 15-30 Business days for the Delivery of goods & the tracking receipt is shared upon dispatch.
Please Note: Processing and packaging times also apply. Delivery times stated are for shipping only and are estimated.
Tracking When your order leaves our warehouse you will receive a shipping confirmation via e-mail. Please note: may decide to change the standard shipping carrier for your order based on rate, weight or order make-up at any time. does not guarantee that your order will ship by any particular carrier or method.
What Country Do We Ship To?
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